Cheese and wine afternoon at St Georges

Cheese and Wine Afternoon St Georges

The residents and team at St Georges Care Home in Bristol were joined by friends, family and the local community for a fun afternoon of cheese and wine tasting.

There were a range of local cheeses for everyone to try which could be paired with various crackers as well as wines. This gave everybody the opportunity to try some new variations and pick their favourite.

During the event new Home Manager Rebecca Protheroe took the opportunity to introduce herself to people who she had not had the opportunity to meet, and it also gave the guests a chance to meet the team at the home and have a look around.

It was a wonderful event and Rebecca and the team wanted to thank everyone who came along and are looking forward to seeing everyone again at our next event!

St Georges provides residential and nursing care on a permanent and short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call us on freephone 0808 223 5535.