Back to school for Ferfoot residents

Ferfoot Music Lesson at Redlands Primary School

Three residents from Ferfoot Care Home in Chippenham went “Back to School” this week courtesy of Redlands Primary School as they were welcomed into the Year 6 The Falcons music class.

We work closely with the school on various projects as part of the local community but this was the first time our residents got the opportunity to return to the classroom. It was wonderful to see the relationships and interactions.

It was beneficial from a reminiscing perspective but also on an intergenerational level for both the children and our residents. This was many weeks in the planning and the residents involved said they would like to see “what it would feel like to be back in school”.

Vivian kindly answered questions from the children which included “what did you do when you were young?” and “what is your most favourite thing / hobby?”

Maurice commented on the day “it is all so very different nowadays – we don’t get the smack on the hand do we if we have not done our homework (smiling)!”

What a wonderful day and way to celebrate Global Intergenerational Week 2024 which comes to an end today, a campaign to highlight the benefits of the connections between the young, the old and the in between!

Ferfoot provides residential and dementia care on a permanent and short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call us on freephone 0808 223 5502.