The community at Southlands Place Care Home enjoyed an afternoon of pet therapy earlier this month.
One of our activities team members brought into our home her gorgeous pets to visit our residents. Everyone enjoyed cuddles with our seasoned visitors including Cricket the friendly bearded dragon, Carrot the rabbit and some giant African land snails!
We also got introduced to Noodle the baby Kenyan sand boa, who was absolutely amazing for her first of many visits to Southlands Place.
Animal-assisted therapy is a growing area that uses all types of animals to help people recover or cope better with health problems. It has been proven that contact with animals can help depression, loneliness, boredom, and anxiety. It can also aid in recovery, rehabilitation and help improve mental health and well-being. As well as increase motor skills and movement and help improve social skills.
We all thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, and it was wonderful to see so many happy faces. Everyone enjoyed asking questions about all the animals and we look forward to their next visit.
Southlands Place Care Home provides residential, nursing and dementia care on a permanent and short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call us on freephone 0808 202 3303.