The 3Bs perform for Hillview Court

hillview court 3Bs

The residents at Hillview Court Nursing Home in Sauchie love music, especially experiencing it live and never turn down an opportunity for a good singalong and a dance. Recently, they attended the Community Tea Dance at Tullibody Civic Centre and had a great time listening to the music performed by the 3Bs.

Wellbeing coordinator, Audrey, approached the talented band at the end of their performance and asked them if they would come to Hillview Court to entertain residents. They were very keen to visit the home and meet everyone.

Billy, Brian and Bill AKA The 3Bs set up in Foxes café and put on a great show for residents, singing and playing the keyboard, accordion and guitar. They performed a variety of classics loved by residents, such as ‘Country Roads’ as well as many traditional Scottish songs. There were happy faces all around and lots of singing and dancing along – resident, Penny, commented that “they were amazing!”

Hillview Court provides nursing and dementia care on a permanent or short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call freephone 0808 223 5512.