Our residents at Bradbury House Care Home in Braintree recently enjoyed a day out at Colchester Zoo after requesting it with our activities team. Our team plan out activities based on what our residents want to do, and we have monthly meetings where they can make suggestions as well as our Wish Tree in our lounge. Residents can write down their wishes and stick them to the Wish Tree and recently, Jerry and John asked for a trip to the zoo.
We took the community minibus, and all enjoyed a group singalong and looking at the lovely views on our way through the Colchester countryside.
Our residents had a wonderful time exploring and looking at the tigers, elephants, and penguins amongst many other fascinating animals. We then finished off a lovely day with a picnic in the park and some yummy ice creams!
John said he “had the most amazing day and enjoyed seeing all the animals” and Linda said she “had the best day and the ice cream was the best bit!”
Colchester Zoo makes for a great day out so thank you to Jerry and John for the brilliant suggestion!
Bradbury House provides residential care on a permanent or short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call freephone 0808 223 5411.