Margaret shares her experience so far at Sundridge Court

Elderly women, aged 80-85, talking and drinking tea together in a private retirement home

Margaret was born is Leicester in 1941 during the war, when her father went to help in the war by delivering money to veterans whilst her mother brought her up.

Margaret has lots of fond memories of her childhood including the bike her Grandmother bought for her birthday one year. Margaret went to school and became fond of sports eventually she studied and got a job as a PE teacher and it’s there she met her husband Colin he was an English teacher at her school.

Margaret and Colin travelled well and had 3 children Claire, Nicky, and Tim and settled down in Bromley. Later in life Tim and Nicky emigrated and went on to be successful in their chosen fields, Gradually Margaret’s dementia worsened and she was unable to look after herself.

After looking around, Claire wanted a home that was local so she could visit regularly and they chose Sundridge Court as they felt it was perfect for her needs.

Here, she is keen to be involved with sports related activities, drawing, often comes for drives on the mini bus, Armchair Aerobics and often writes letters to her family and friends. Margaret celebrated her 90th birthday with us at Sundridge Court with a party.

When asked how she feels about being here, she says she is happy, has made lots of friends and she feels safe and content.