Residents at Southlands Place Care Home were joined by family, friends and staff members for our Easter Egg Hunt and games afternoon.
It was a wonderful afternoon, with lots of fun had by all. Everyone played a variety of games and for the main event – the Easter Egg Hunt – lots of chocolate treats were found.
A massive thank you to our team who organised the hiding of all the chocolate treats, making the hunt an enjoyable challenge for all involved. It was wonderful to see our residents faces and hear the delighted voices of all the children who came and found the chocolate!!
Our team love organising events like this for our residents to enjoy. Socialising and interacting through events and activities are essential to the care provided at Southlands Place and we look forward to more to come.
Southlands Place Care Home provides residential, nursing and dementia care on a permanent and short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call us on freephone 0808 202 3303