Residents and staff at Scoonie House Care Home welcomed local community into the home on Monday 22nd May to enjoy the first monthly Aria Care Coffee Club.
This regular event is a great for likeminded people from around the community to get together and make friends, take part in social activities and discuss local issues, whilst enjoying a cuppa!
This month we welcomed members of the Care Home Liaison Nurse (CHLN) Team, Tracy and Jordan, who joined us for a beverage and a chance to chat with our residents and other local community contacts who came along to our Coffee Club.
The CHLN Team are a single point of contact for care home staff and deliver integrated, collaborative and co-ordinated services to support both our staff and residents in order to provide high quality standards of care.
Fife have 75 care homes all of which have their own linked CHLN who visit as often as required to assist with staff training and education, to support care home managers and staff with regards to wellbeing and offering peer-to-peer support across a range of skills including: catheter care, pressure ulcer awareness, stress and distress, falls and record keeping. The organisation promotes person-centred safe and effective care to residents within care homes.
The vision of the CHLN team is to work in partnership with providers, managers and other professional teams to help enable staff to deliver the highest level of care possible. The CHLN team strive to do this using the healthcare framework My Health-My Care-My Home and integrate the health and care partnership core values into everything that they do so that the care provided is individualised, knowledge based, consistent and fair across the 75 care homes that are covered in Fife.
They offer direct support by signposting, seeking resources such as evidence based training as well as delivery of educational sessions within the care homes. They help to promote high quality standards by participating in audits, care plan reviews, walk rounds and helping managers refer into the specialist services for enhanced levels of care.
Working collaboratively within the Health and Social Care Partnership allows development and participation in quality improvement methods to promote alternative ways of working to enhance delivery of best practice. The importance of teamwork allows pooled expertise, resources and power sharing to come together.
We would like to extend our thanks to Tracy and Jordan for joining us and we look forward to welcoming them back to our Coffee Club events in the future.
Scoonie House provides residential and dementia care on a permanent or short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call freephone 0808 223 5534.