Riverside Place resident shares her talent!

A resident at Riverside Place Care Home loves to share her talent with her fellow residents. During our art and craft sessions, it became evident that Barbara was everyone’s ‘go-to’ person for advice on all aspects of art. These sessions have now become known as ‘Barbara’s Art Class’!

Barbara loves art and is empowered to maintain her hobby at Riverside Place. She uses her love of art to bring joy to other residents. It is wonderful to see her incredible talent for drawing and painting. She is well loved by everyone, finding out birthday dates of people at Riverside Place and makes them individual cards.

One of our residents Sally said “I received the most beautiful birthday card from Barbara. It had the most beautiful words – it absolutely made my day. She is so kind and thoughtful and lovely that she remembered my birthday. This says everything about this beautiful, lovely lady both inside and out”.

Riverside Place provides residential, nursing and dementia care on a permanent or short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call freephone 0808 208 4570.