Oaken Holt’s visit to Blenheim Palace Winter Wonderland

Oaken Holt’s visit to Blenheim Palace Winter Wonderland

Residents and care team at Oaken Holt Care Home made the most of the run up to celebrate Christmas by visiting Blenheim Palace’s Winter Wonderland.

It was a lovely evening out with the residents, everybody enjoyed getting the chance to look around the palace grounds – experiencing their Christmas decorations and lights.

Michael Daglish, Home Manager at Oaken Holt, contacted Blenheim Palace about bringing residents along for an evening trip.

“Huge thank you to Blenheim for providing us with free entry to their Winter Wonderland! I wanted to provide a fabulous Christmas experience and offer our residents with a festive adventure. It is fair to say that there was so much to enjoy that another festive trip may be added to the calendar in the future!” Michael Daglish

Oaken Holt Care Home provides residential care on a permanent or short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call freephone 0808 223 5529.