Marchglen welcomes back Haggis – the pet therapy dog!

Haggis the pet therapy dog visiting Marchglen Care Centre

Residents at Marchglen Care Centre welcomed back their favourite pet therapy dog, Haggis, as part of an ongoing pet therapy programme that operates at the home.

Animal-assisted therapy is a growing area that uses all types of animals, including dogs, to help people recover or cope better with health problems. This type of interaction has shown to improve self-esteem and mood, as well as help with depression, loneliness and anxiety. It can also aid in recovery and improve social skills and mental health and wellbeing.

Recently we welcomed back Haggis, the wonderful French Bulldog, who our residents love, as he spreads much cheer throughout the home. We are looking forward to seeing him again very soon.

Marchglen provides nursing care on a permanent or short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call freephone 0808 223 5522