The residents at Riverside Place Care Home were busy last week and as the weather was so lovely they decided to do some activities out in the garden to make the most of the lovely space and glorious sunshine.
They started the week putting plans in place and preparing for the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations at the home, with a range of arts and crafts activities to make decorations for the special occasion to go up around the home. With bunting being made, pictures and banners everything is definitely taking shape. Activity-based care is a key ingredient for our residents to feel engaged and helps socialisation within the home, which is why craft sessions like these are so popular with our residents. It is also an opportunity for them to show their creative side.
Some of the residents then got their gardening gloves on to pot some herbs, everyone can’t wait for these to start growing especially the Head Chef at the home who will be making use of them in some wonderful dishes. Growing flowers, fruit, herbs and vegetables is something that many people will have enjoyed over the years and for our residents this gives them an opportunity to exercise their green fingers. It also helps them to maintain independence and is perfect for getting some fresh air while sharing stimulating conversations with other residents while they work together in the wonderful sunshine.