Harmony Choir visit Abbeycrest

Abbeycrest Harmony Choir

The residents at Abbeycrest Nursing Home in Sonning Common had a musical afternoon this week as the local Harmony Choir came along to perform to them.

We were joined by 35 members of the choir and the residents thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and are excited to welcome the group back in the future.

George, Regional Sales Support Manager at our home met Clive Mill, one of the leaders of the group at the local Sonning Common Lunch Club and as they got talking they discussed the opportunity of the choir coming to the home.

The choir was originally formed in August 2021 and currently has over 73 committed singers from the local community who all have a love of singing and meet weekly to share this.

It was wonderful to hear their songs in our home and the delight on our resident’s faces as they performed.

Abbeycrest provides residential, nursing and dementia care on a permanent and short stay basis. If you are looking for a care home and want to find out more about our home call us on freephone 0808 223 5350.